Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Development Fund (EDF)

Entrepreneurship Development Fund (EDF) is only intended to be used for the development of all the students of Daffodil International University. It will be allocated as a loan (without Interest) for the business development/ initiation purposes.. It will be considered as the R&D for student’s projects.

Entrepreneurship graduates of Daffodil International University (DIU) will be the real change makers of the world. DIU intends to produce real entrepreneurs who will be able to create more and more job opportunities in the future. They will discover new techniques, trends, and opportunities through their role in the economy, social change, and prosperity. The university takes manifold steps to entrepreneurship development to harness its students.



The purpose of the EDF is to recognize outstanding students with entrepreneurial minds and acknowledge substantial professional development activities. Moreover, this fund will provide the initial support and confidence to our students who are doing business. Since this funding is revolving basis, students will get this fund in future and it will also help them to scale up their business.


  1. To render proper and instant support
  2. To provide the initial fund to boost up the confidence of entrepreneurial minded students.
  3. To ensure the student’s business success
  4. To develop students’ skill to learn how to apply for a fund
  5. To be able to earn money during their study
  6. To demonstrate DIU’s encouragement to students’ Business
  7. To encourage students generating new ideas (blue ocean)
  8. To provide Incubation and startup support for students


Apply for EDF Loan


Partial Activities