Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

B.Sc. (Hon’s) in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology


The Aim of the Program

The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology program aims to equip students with a solid foundation in molecular biology, genetics, and biotechnology. The program focuses on developing technical skills in cutting-edge genetic engineering techniques and biotechnology applications across medicine, agriculture, and industry. Students will engage in hands-on research, explore ethical and societal impacts, and prepare for diverse careers or advanced studies in the field. Graduates will be ready to innovate and address global challenges using the latest biotechnological advancements.


Specific Aims:

  • Foundational Knowledge: Build a solid base in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology, crucial for mastering genetic engineering and biotechnology.
  • Technical Proficiency: Train students in advanced techniques like CRISPR-Cas9, gene cloning, PCR, recombinant DNA technology, gene therapy, and bioinformatics.
  • Research and Innovation: Develop research skills through lab work, projects, and internships, fostering innovation in genetic engineering and biotechnology.
  • Application of Biotechnology: Explore biotechnology's applications in healthcare, agriculture, and environmental management.
  • Ethical and Social Awareness: Promote understanding of the ethical, legal, and social aspects of biotechnology, preparing graduates to address related challenges.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Encourage integrating knowledge from bioinformatics, computational biology, and systems biology for a well-rounded perspective.
  • Career Readiness: Prepare students for diverse career paths in academia, research, industry, healthcare, and advanced studies.
  • Lifelong Learning: Instill a commitment to continuous learning and professional growth, keeping graduates at the forefront of the field.


Overall, the B.Sc. in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology aims to produce skilled professionals who can harness the power of genetic engineering and biotechnology to drive scientific progress, improve human health, enhance agricultural productivity, and address global challenges.


Duration of the program

The total duration of the program is 4 years, following a semester system. There will be 2 semesters per year, each lasting 6 months, making a total of 8 semesters for the entire program.


Admission Requirements

Admission to the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (GEB) program in the Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is centrally managed by the "Admission Committee" of Daffodil International University. Applications are invited twice a year from qualified candidates who have passed the HSC or equivalent examinations with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 out of 5.00, from a science background. Applicants must have studied Biology in both their H.S.C and S.S.C examinations, with at least a B grade and a minimum total of 6 grade points. In addition to these requirements, we continually refine the entrance examination process to ensure that meritorious students have the opportunity to thrive in the Department of GEB.


Admission Process

Students will be selected based on their past academic records and performance in the admission test. They must submit certificates or testimonials and mark sheets or transcripts for all examinations passed at the time of admission. Candidates who have completed the above formalities must pay the requisite admission and other fees for enrollment.

Total minimum credit requirement to complete the program:  The Total Number of Courses for awarding a B. Sc. degree in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is 67 and the total credits are 145.


Total Classes and weeks in a Year: 36 Weeks in a Year / 18 Weeks in a Semester (Excluding other activities and assessments).

Minimum CGPA requirements for graduation: CGPA 2.50

Maximum Academic Year of Completion: Within three academic years.


Category of Courses:   Year/ Level/ Semester/ Term wise courses:

                Spring Semester: (January - April),  Summer Semester: (May - August)  and Fall Semester: (September - December)


Semester-Wise Number of Course Allocation

First Year, Semester I

CourseNo. Course Title Credits
0512-1101 Introduction to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 2
0512-1103 Introduction to Animal Sciences 3
0512-1104 Introduction to Animal Sciences Practical 1
0512-1105 Basic Plant Science 3
0512-1106 Basic Plant Science Practical 1
0231-1107 English 1 2
Total Credits 12


First Year, Semester II

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512-1201 Principles of Genetics 2
0512-1203 Basic Microbiology 3
0512-1204 Basic Microbiology Practical 1
0512- 1205 Animal Reproduction and Embryology 2
0512-1207 Microbial Genetics 2
0611-1109 Computer Fundamentals & Computational Biology 2
Total Credits 12


First Year, Semester III

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512-1301 Basic Biochemistry 3
0512-1302 Basic Biochemistry Practical 1
0512-1305 Animal and Human Physiology 3
0512-1306 Animal and Human Physiology Practical 1
0512- 1307 Enzymology 2
AOL0223-1309 Art of Living 3
Total Credits 13


Second Year, Semester I

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512- 211 Molecular Biology 2
0512-213 Cytology 3
0512-214 Cytology Practical 1
0512- 215 Animal Breeding 3
0512- 216 Animal Breeding Practical 1
0512- 217 Metabolism 2
Total Credits 12



Second Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512- 221 Biofertilizer and Renewable Energy 3
0512- 222 Biofertilizer and Renewable Energy Practical 1
0512- 223 Plant Physiology 3
0512- 224 Plant Physiology Practical 1
0512- 225 Animal Cell Technology 2
0512- 227 Immunology 2
Total Credits 12


Second Year Semester III

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512- 231 Plant Breeding 3
0512- 232 Plant Breeding Practical 1
0512- 233 Aquaculture and Fish Genetics 3
0512- 234 Aquaculture and Fish Genetics Practical 1
0512- 235 Bioprocess Engineering 2
0311-111 Economics and Finance in Biotechnology 2
Total Credits 12


Third Year Semester I

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512- 311 Plant Tissue Culture 3
0512- 312 Plant Tissue Culture Practical 1
0512- 313 Fermentation Technology 3
0512- 314 Fermentation Technology Practical 1
0512- 315 Bioenergetics 2
0512- 317 Recombinant DNA Technology 2
Total Credits 12



Third Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512- 321 Microbial Biotechnology 2
0512- 323 Techniques in Molecular Biology 3
0512- 324 Techniques in Molecular Biology Practical 1
0512- 325 Food Biotechnology 3
0512- 326 Food Biotechnology Practical 1
0512- 327 Oncology and Virology 3
0512- 328 Oncology and Virology Practical 1
Total Credits 14


Third Year Semester III

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512-331 Plant Biotechnology 3
0512-332 Plant Biotechnology Lab 1
0512-333 Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics 3
0512-334 Proteomics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics Practical 1
0512-335 Stem Cell Technology 2
0512-337 Bioreactor and Downstream Processing 2
0542-339 Biostatistics 2
Total Credits 14


Fourth Year Semester I

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512- 411 Animal Biotechnology 3
0512- 412 Animal Biotechnology Practical 1
0512- 413 Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 3
0512- 414 Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Practical 1
0512- 415 Environmental Biotechnology 3
0512- 416 Environmental Biotechnology Practical 1
0414-417 Biotechnological Marketing 2
Total Credits 14


Fourth Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Credits
Course No. Course Title Credits
0512- 421 Forensic and Molecular Diagnostics 3
0512- 422 Forensic and Molecular Diagnostics Lab 1
0512- 423 Protein and Enzyme Technology 3
0512- 425 Agricultural Biotechnology 2
0512- 427 Cell Signaling 2
0031-429 Employability 360° 3
Total Credits 14


Fourth Year Semester III

Course No. Course Title Credits
0512- 440 Thesis/Project + Seminar 4
Total Credits 4


Course distribution according to year

Year Semester Credit Hours Total
1st 1st 12 37
2nd 12
3rd 13
2nd 1st 12 36
2nd 12
3rd 12
3rd 1st 12 40
2nd 14
3rd 14
4th 1st 14 32
2nd 14
3rd 4
Total 145