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Information and Communication Engineering

Alumni Detail

I obtained Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering from Daffodil International University, Bangladesh in 2007 with good academic records and started my career as Lecturer of ETE department at the same institution. Later on, I completed my Masters of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering from North South University. Currently, I am serving my beloved university as an Assistant Professor of the ETE department and pursuing my PhD in mobile health technology in Sains Islam University, Malaysia. My research interests are different Algorithm Design and Mobile Health.

I was class representative (during studying at DIU) and used to solve others students’ academic problems. I closely worked with my teachers to do different research works which made me academically confident in teaching career. The adoption of new technology and innovating system for students is ensured at DIU so that students and others can be in touch with the advancement of technology and become relevant in today’s challenging business environment. These new technologies created the opportunity and environment for me to learn more and provide better teaching for my students.

The convocation ceremony was the most precious day for my life. I joined my convocation ceremony with my parents as graduate and also a newly joined faculty member. My suggestion to students is “Learn something new every day. As a student, you are constantly learning with the goal of graduating. Graduation may mark the end of your formal education but you will still be learning and reflecting upon your prior experiences.”

Daffodil International University is now widely recognized for the quality of its undergraduate and postgraduate educational programs, the effectiveness of its research and outreach programs, and the broad access to the university provided through the innovative use of information technology. As an alumnus faculty member, I feel proud to be part of this great journey.

Tasnuva Ali
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, DIU