
Message from Head

The Department’s education focuses on the needs & limitations of the students & continuously refines its process to educate more deeply & efficiently. Its primary focus is on professional aptitude, which is most important in today’s architectural practice.

The curriculum encompasses creative and communicative, theoretical and professional, humanistic and scientific, and artistic and technological subjects. These provide a foundation on which individuals would develop their architectural intelligence and professional values. The contents are selected to provide a harmonious blend of relevant basic courses and their applications as well as social, technical, and environmental relevance.

The Department will continue to refine & update its curriculum, recognizing the constantly evolving nature of the subject. It targets to incorporate more subjects on environmental sustainability, building information modeling & building technology. The methodology of architects’ work is changing rapidly due to the rapid advancement of technology. This Department is & will continue to update its education system in order to be on par with the global architectural community.

The Department also aims to expand. It has already drawn up a curriculum for a postgraduate degree, which is a first for private universities in the country. It also aims to focus more on research, workshops & seminar- which will expose the students & the faculty to a broader field of architectural research & development.

We will take you to a journey of creativity fulfilling the need of a humanized world. We will address the learning to make you a self-learner and trigger your self-confidence and self-respect. We will guide you to overcome the obstacles and become an architect with vision skill and strong determination.

In architecture, the best effort we are trying to achieve is the process of learning ‘how to learn’.

Professor Md. Khairul Enam
Cell: 01817076105