Event Details
22 February 2018
12:00 AM
Daffodil Smart City, Birulia, Savar, Dhaka-1216
Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management (ESDM) recently conducted a research field trip at the Saint Martin’s, Cox’s Bazar from 22nd to 26th February, 2018. In total 44 students including 12 ESDM foreign students, and all faculty members were attended this filed visit. The Saint Marin’s is one of the most ecological hotspot and tourist destination of Bangladesh. However commercial tourism and lack of proper waste management is still a serious issue for sustainable development of St. Martin’s Island. The field trip entitled “Coral Reef Ecosystem: Status, Issues and Challenges for Conservation and Sustainable Development” was conducted to obtain practical understating of coral ecosystem, degradation status, waste management and how sustainable tourism could be achieved. In addition two separate research works were carried out during this trip. The primary data on tourism status and solid waste management strategies was collected using questionnaire survey, observation, and focus group discussion. Manuscript under preparation and findings of the research results will be published soon. Moreover, the students of ESDM also conducted a beach cleanup campaign “Saint Martin’s Island Clean-Up” to improve social awareness and grab tourist’s attention regarding proper waste management during their vacation at St. Martin's.