Information Science and Library Management

Event List

Event Details

Semester Exchange Program at Universiti Sains Malaysia

30 March 2024

12:29 PM

Room No. AB 402

AB Building, DIU Smart City Campus

Contact Person

Md. Saiful Islam, Covener, DIU CPC

Contact: 01810 000 000

🎉🌟 Let's give a huge round of applause to Mahmudul Hasan Sumon! 🌟🎉
We are absolutely elated to announce the incredible achievement of Mahmudul Hasan Sumon, a talented student from the Department of Information Technology & Management at Daffodil International University! 🎓✨
Mahmudul has been selected to participate in a semester exchange program at Universiti Sains Malaysia, showcasing his dedication, hard work, and exceptional skills in ITM. 💻📚
Mahmudul, your DIU family is bursting with pride at your remarkable accomplishment! 🎉👏 Your journey serves as an inspiration to us all, demonstrating the incredible possibilities that await with passion and perseverance. 🚀
As you embark on this exciting adventure, know that we are behind you every step of the way. 🌍💫 May your time at USM be filled with enriching experiences, valuable learning opportunities, and unforgettable memories.
Congratulations, Mahmudul Hasan Sumon! 🎉👏 Your DIU family celebrates your success and wishes you all the best on this incredible journey! 🌟🎓 #DIU #ITM #SemesterExchangeProgram #USM 🇧🇩🌏🇲🇾

Recent Events

5 Feb 2023

Library Day-2023

Library Day is a celebration dedicated to the importance of libraries and the services they provide to communities. It serves as a reminder of the value of knowledge, literacy, and learning. The library organization organizes various activities, such as book exhibitions, author talks, storytelling sessions, and workshops, to engage readers of all ages. The aim is to encourage people to explore new subjects, embrace lifelong learning, and cherish the treasures found within the walls of libraries, fostering a literate and enlightened society. Dr. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq (Professor), Department of Information Science and Library Management, Dhaka University, was our keynote speaker at the program.