Nutrition and Food Engineering

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Event Details

NFE Faculties Visited the Universities Hall Kitchen to ensure the Hygiene

30 October 2022

12:00 AM

Daffodil Smart City, Birulia, Savar, Dhaka-1216

The Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering of Daffodil International University visited the universities hall kitchen to ensure the hygiene concern which is organized by DIU NFE CLUB.
They talked and advised the chiefs,employees and stuffs how to maintain hygienic method while cooking! They also talked about storage, refrigeration etc.Moreover, they talked about nutrition,how to keep dishes clean,how to preserve food in a healthy way, how to cook food properly etc! Besides, they talked about hygiene and sanitation, personal hygiene of the kitchen staff!
They also On the concern of the respective campaign they attach some banner on the kitchen and canteen area for awareness.
They all try to make them aware about all these topics!

Recent Events

4 Jan 2018

Extra curricular activities of the Department for last Spring 2018 semester

Extra curricular activities of the Department for last Spring 2018 semester

4 Jul 2022

MoU Signing between NFE and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC)

The Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Daffodil International University is one of a leading department in the field of food and nutrition in Bangladesh. With the vision to provide a student-centered learning environment and develop their potential through research and innovation, this department continues producing quality graduates in the field of food and nutrition for the development of the society and to admit the Sustainable Development Goals. The Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) is a leading research organization in Bangladesh. It has earned its reputation and credibility in the domain of socio-economic studies since 1999.  HDRC has accomplished over 250 contemplative studies on multifarious issues. Guided by the objective ‘Humane development through research and action’ HDRC, through its quality research outputs, has achieved a commendable position in the field of development thinking.

The memorandum of understanding (“The Memorandum”) has been signed on July 04, 2022 by and between Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering (NFE) under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Daffodil International University; Daffodil Smart City, Dhaka 1207, and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC); House no. 05, Road no. 08, Mohammadiya Housing Society, Mohammadpur, Dhaka.

The purpose of the memorandum is to set out the working arrangements so that NFE and HDRC can work together to complete various research studies/assignments/projects, share and exchange expertise and provide support to each other’s development.

The agreement has been signed on behalf of NFE by Ms. Fouzia Akter, Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering (NFE), Honorable Registrar Professor Dr. Engr. A. K. M. Fazlul Hoque, Daffodil International University and  Professor Dr. Abu Naser Zafar Ullah, Dean, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Daffodil International University and on behalf of HDRC Mr. Faisal M Ahamed Director, Mr. Abu Taleb, Director, Finance and Admin and Md. Fazle Rabby, Deputy Director, Research, Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) in presence of Professor Dr. S.M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Honorable Pro Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University.

3 Sep 2022

Sugar content in different types of drinks

Project Shown by the Students of NFE Regarding the Sugar content in different types of drinks

21 Sep 2022

Hands on Training on Fruit Processing and Packaging

We are happy to invite you as our guest at the Closing Ceremony of “Hands on Training on Fruit Processing and Packaging”  (Batch: 6, Group: K & L) an Export Diversification and Competitiveness Development Project, jointly organized by WTO Cell, Ministry of Commerce and the Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering, Daffodil International University (DIU). The Closing Ceremony of the project will commence at sharp 02:30 PM on 21st September 2022 (Wednesday) at Room: 213 of AB-3, DIU, Daffodil Smart City, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka 1341, BD.

The Honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University, Professor Dr. S. M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder will grace as the Chief Guest. The Advisor of Daffodil International University, Professor Dr. M. A. Rahim will present as the Chairperson. Mr. Hamidul Haque Khan (Director, Finance and Accounts, Daffodil International University) and Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman (Director General, Additional Secretary, WTO Cell, Ministry of Commerce, BD) will be present as Guest of Honors. Jinnat Rehana (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, BD), Mr. Mohammad Ileas Mia (Deputy Secretary, WTO Cell, Ministry of Commerce, BD) and Mr. Md. Taibur Rahman (Secretary, BAPA) has given their kind consent to be present as the Special Guests at this auspicious event.

Your graceful presence at the Closing Ceremony will be highly appreciated. We look forward to your presence in this event.

26 Sep 2022

Hands on Training on Fruit Processing and Packaging an Export Diversification and Competitiveness Development Project

Hands on Training on Fruit Processing and Packaging an Export Diversification and Competitiveness Development Project, jointly organized by WTO Cell, Ministry of Commerce and the Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering, Daffodil International University (DIU)

16 Oct 2022

World Food Day 2022

The Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering celebrated


This year the theme for World Food Day is :

  • “Leave NO ONE behind”

  • “We need to build a sustainable world where everyone, everywhere has regular access to enough nutritious food”.

The Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering is committed to ensure safe, nutritious and wholesome food for all. In this context NFE is ensuring state-of-the-art Laboratory facilities and Curriculum to produce world class graduates and to achieve the SDG’s.