Software Engineering

Software Engineering

OBE Curriculum


Semester 1(1st Year 1st Semester)

Course Code: SE111
Total Marks: 100
ISCED: 0611-111
Course Title: Computer Fundamentals
Semester: Spring 2024
Credit Value: 3 (Theory) Contact Hours: 2.5 (Total weeks: 18)
Prerequisite: N/A
Course Type: Core
Level: 1 Term: 1


Course Objectives

The goal of this course is to introduce the students to the concept of basic logic operation and the basics of computer function and operation. The main objectives of this course are,

  • To integrate the basic components and functions of a computer system.
  • To construct the digital circuits using logic gates and other electronic components.
  • To apply the principles of software systems to solve problems and design solutions.
  • To evaluate the security of computer systems and networks.


Course Content

Basic computer system, computer codes, convert number systems, logic gates, Application of logic gate, Basic concepts on microprocessors and microcomputers. Data and information, variables, Loops, Condition, identify errors in logical flow in flowcharts, correct the logic of the control structures of simple programs in programming language. Various parts of a computer system, input/output devices, Memory hierarchy, Types of memory, Memory operation, Data communication, Types of networks.


Textbook/Recommended Readings

Computer Fundamentals and ICT. 2nd Edition, 2017, DIU press. by M. Lutfar Rahman,M. Shamim Kaiser, M. Arifur Rahman, M. Alamgir Hossain,


Reference Books/ Other Supplementary Readings

  1. Computer Fundamentals(1st Edition) by Pradeep K. Sinha & Priti Sinh,
Course Code: SE 112
Total Marks: 100
ISCED: SE112 /0611-112
Course Title: Computer Fundamental Lab
Semester: Spring 2024
Credit: 1 (Lab) Contact Hours: 1 hour 15 minutes (18 weeks)
Prerequisite: N/A
Course Type: Core
Level: 1 Term: 1


Course Content

The Computer Fundamentals Lab is designed to provide students with a hands-on understanding of core concepts in computing, programming, and essential software tools. Throughout this course, students will delve into the fundamentals of data, programming logic, and software applications, enabling them to build a strong foundation in computer science and information technology. Emphasis will be placed on practical implementation, ensuring students gain real-world skills that are applicable in various academic and professional settings.


Course Objectives

By the end of course through lectures, readings, home works, lab assignments and exams, students will be taught:

  1. To Understand the concepts of data and information and their relevance in programming and hands-on experience in creating websites using Google Sites;
  2. To understand basic computer tools like, Canva, and various Google tools;
  3. To apply programming concepts through practical examples and exercises;
  4. To apply essential skills in using Microsoft Office tools such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


Textbook/Recommended Readings

Computer Fundamentals" by P K Sinha. 


Reference Books/ Other Supplementary Readings

  1. "Fundamentals of Computers" by Rajaraman V and Adabala N
  2. "FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS" by E Balagurusamy
Course Code: SE 113 CIE Marks: 60
ISCED: 0613-113 SEE Marks: 40
Course Title: Introduction to Software Engineering Total Marks: 100
Semester: Spring 2024  
Credit Value: 3 (Theory) Contact Hours: 2.5 (Total weeks: 18)
Prerequisite: (If any)
Course Type: Core
Level: 1 Term: 1


Course Objectives

To provide a solid conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of Software Engineering. More specifically,

  • To apply fundamental software engineering principles and practices to real-world scenarios.
  • To compare and contrast different SDLC models (waterfall, agile, iterative, etc.) and their suitability for various projects. Also, core agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban for flexible and adaptive project management.
  • To analyze user needs and translate them into clear, concise, and measurable requirements, including various requirement elicitation techniques (interviews, surveys, observation) to capture user feedback.
  • To create and interpret UML diagrams (use case, class, sequence, activity) to visualize software structure and behavior.
  • To understand software security and quality through different approaches.
  • To apply fundamental project management principles (planning, monitoring, control) to software projects and utilize project cost estimation techniques like Functional Point Analysis and COCOMO models.


Course Content

Software engineering fundamentals, software process, software process models, methodologies; prototyping, iterative process models, incremental software development, agile software development, extreme programming, Kanban, and SCRUM; Software requirement Engineering: functional and non-functional requirement, requirement engineering process, requirement elicitation, specification, validation, and change; software design. software modeling, UML diagrams; software testing, different types of testing, test-case design, white box testing: basis path testing with cyclomatic complexity, black box testing: interface testing, equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, object-oriented software testing: class testing, behavioral testing, Halstead’s complexity, Decision table; maintenance, documentation, reliability engineering, software quality and security, reverse engineering, software risk management, software project management: phases of software project management, estimation techniques, scheduling techniques, COCOMO models.


Textbook/Recommended Readings

Roger S Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2020, ISBN 10: 1259872971


Reference Books/ Other Supplementary Readings

  1. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 10th edition, Pearson, 2016, ISBN: 10: 0133943038 
  2. Ahmed, Ashfaque, and Prasad, Bhanu, Foundations of Software Engineering, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016, ISBN 9781498737593


Course Code: ENG 101
Total Marks: 100
ISCED: 0611-101
Course Title: ENGLISH I
Credit Value: 3 (Theory) Contact Hours: 2.5 (Total weeks: 18)
Prerequisite: N/A
Course Type: Core
Level: 1 Term: 1


Course Objectives

To improve the basic skills of English language to communicate confidently and naturally, more specifically,

  • To enhance the ways to communicate opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences, and express and justify opinions. 
  • To improve the ability to follow conversations, to retain information and assimilate factual details, and to draw conclusions from information gathered through effective listening. 
  • To develop the reading techniques for general sense, main ideas, and details, and also to understand the author’s inferences and opinions
  • To make the writing skill for writing a response, organize ideas, and use wide-ranging vocabulary and grammar well and accurately.


Course Content

Overview of Basic Skills of English:Speaking, Basic Grammar: Use of Articles, Identifying Parts of Speech, Syntax: Run on, Fragments, speaking: Self Introduction, Social English: Greeting, Answering to Greeting, Agreeing & Disagreeing, Small Talks etc., Relating and Demonstrating Ideas on Selective Topics; Introduction to IELTS Speaking: Part I and II, Reading: Reading techniques (Skimming and Scanning), Reading Comprehension: Practices from IELTS Reading Comprehension: (True/False/Not Given, Flow chart, Matching Heading, Matching Features, Multiple Choice Question, Short Answer etc.), Writing: Formal Letter Writing, Cover Letter, CV, Resume, Video Resume, Email Writing, Paragraph Writing, Essay Writing.


Textbook/Recommended Readings

  1. A Basic English Grammar: Exercises-John Eastwood
  2. Grammar Practice Activities for Intermediate Students of English-Leo Jones
  3. A Guide to Paragraph Writing-T C Jupp & John Milne
  4. Cambridge IELTS


Reference Books/ Other Supplementary Readings

  1. Essential English Grammar-Raymond Murphy
  2. Common Mistakes in English-TJ Fitikides


Course Code: BNS 101 CIE Marks: 60
ISCED: 0613-131 SEE Marks: 40
Course Title: Bangladesh Studies Total Marks: 100
Semester: Spring 2024  
Credit Value: 3 (Theory) Contact Hours: 2.5 (Total weeks: 18)
Prerequisite: N/A
Course Type: Core
Level: 1 Term: 1 Section: 


Course Objectives
This course aims to introduce the students to the multi-faceted concept of modern Bangladesh, along with its long historical background and inevitable emergence as a state entity in the modern world. The main objectives of this course are: 

  • To introduce students to the long political history of Bangladesh and the necessity of its emergence by discussing the actual events and facts.
  • To make students' understanding clearer, authentic, and rational in the nation-building and state-building process. 
  • To prepare students for competitive exams by providing them with basic knowledge and realities about the origin and surrounding environment. 
  • To increase the sense of patriotism and aspirations among the learners that can strengthen their commitment to nation-building. 


Course Content

Geography: location, borders, topography, resources, climate; Demographic traits: demographic dividend, human development; Society and culture: Social stratification, traditions, values, festivals; Ethnic identity of people of Bangladesh; Origin and development of the name of Bangladesh; Origin and development of Bangla language; Bangladesh in international affairs: principles, objectives and determinants of foreign policy, achievements and challenges; Constitution of Bangladesh: concept, essentials, principles, rights, and amendments; Organs and functions of government: Digitalization and Service Sector in Bangladesh; Historical background of Bangladesh: Language movement, Six-points demands, Liberation war, constitutional development in post-liberation; Economic profile of Bangladesh: macro perspective, blue economy, gig economy; Development approaches: Vision 2041, SDGs, Delta plans; Agricultural Productivity and Rural Development; Urbanization: push-pull model of migration; Environmental degradation and climate change; Industrial sector: overview of major industries, ICT & Software sector of Bangladesh 


Textbook/Recommended Readings

A Handbook on “Bangladesh Studies” compiled by the Dept. of Development Studies, Daffodil International University.


Reference Books/ Other Supplementary Readings

  1. Bangladesh Economic Review Report, Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh.
  2. Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change for Bangladesh, S. Huq, M. Saduzzaman 2013, Springer Publication
  3. A History of Bangladesh, Willem van Schendel, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  4. Foreign Relations of Bangladesh, Harun ur Rashid, Rishi Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  5. The Unfinished Memoirs, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, University Press Limited, 2012.
  6. The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Bangladesh.


Course Code: MAT101
Total Marks: 100
ISCED: 0541-101
Course Title: Mathematics-I
Semester: Spring 2024  
Credit Value: 3 (Theory) Contact Hours: 2.5 (Total weeks: 18)
Prerequisite: N/A
Course Type: Core
Level: 1 Term: 1


Course Objectives

To provide a solid conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of calculus. More specifically,

  • To learn the basic concepts of function, its domain, range, and graph of a function. 
  • To learn various kinds of methods of differentiation and partial differentiation. 
  • To learn different kinds of methods of indefinite, definite, and multiple integrations. 
  • To learn the concepts and techniques to find the area and volume of surfaces.


Course Content

Function, Domain, Range, Graph, Limit, Continuity & Differentiability, Derivatives; Differentiation and Successive Differentiation of various types of function; Leibnitz’s Theorem, Roll’s Theorem; Mean value Theorem; Taylor’s and McLaurin’s Theorem in finite and infinite forms, Euler’s Theorem; Maximum and minimum values of functions of single variable, Expansion of functions; Evaluation of indeterminate forms; Partial differentiation, Integration by the method of substitutions, successive reduction; Integration by parts; Standard integrals; Definite integrals: properties and use in summing series; Walli’s Formula, Improper integrals, beta function and gamma function; Jacobian; Multiple integral and its application, Area and volume between curves and axes.


Textbook/Recommended Readings                        

  1. Calculus” by Howard Anton
  2. “A textbook on Differential Calculus” by Mohammad, Bhattacharjee and Latif


Reference Books/ Other Supplementary Readings

  1. “Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus” by Dr. Md. Abdul Matin


Semester 2(1st Year 2nd Semester)