Upcoming Events

30 Aug 2023
"Product Design & Idea Competition" - a collocated event of 2nd International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning conference 2023 (BIM-2023) was organized on August 30, 2023, at 01:00 pm in Knowledge Tower of Daffodil Smart City.

Recent Events

4 Jul 2021

In this Day long Basic Training and Workshop Engr. Faruk Hannan discusses Additive Manufacturing in FabLab DIU and trains the students about 3D Design and printing.

12 Oct 2022

Seminar on Facilities of FabLab DIU. 

3 Jan 2023

Seminar on Future Scopes of FabLab

21 Aug 2022

In this seminar Md. Shamsuzzaman Miah, Scientific Technical Officer, FabLab, DIU discusses the overview of FabLab and the Facilities of FabLab.

28 Aug 2022

In this seminar Eng. Golam Rabbany, Lecturer, CSE discusses Future Scopes of the FabLab.

4 Sep 2022

In this Training and Workshop Mr. Kazi Jahid Hasan, Lecturer, MCT discusses Industrial Design and Innovation Technology.

11 Sep 2022

In this workshop Mr. Asif Hassan, Lecturer, EEE trains the students about PCB Design and Print.

18 Sep 2022

In this training session Mr. Shafiul Islam, Lecturer, Department of Architecture trained the students about Product Design.

27 Aug 2023
FabLab DIU is excited to announce its upcoming workshop on "Training session on Digital Crafts Design & Printing by 3D Printer" on Sunday, 27th August 2023 Supported by a2i.
30 Aug 2023

The main speaker at the seminar was Dr. Abdul Mannan, former dean of the Electrical and Electronics Department at Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET) and respected director of MIEST. Special guest Dr. Abul Hasnat Solaiman, the director of the FabLab at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, also attended.