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Daffodil Angel's Day Care

Policy for Daffodil Angel’s Daycare



As part of the daffodil family, Daffodil International University creates opportunities for its stakeholders. The female students, faculties, and staff who have children and are not able to take care of them at home during their study/ working hours. With a view to supporting these students, faculties, staff, the university has established a Daycare Center. These policy guidelines will help function the Daffodil Angel’s Daycare in a professional manner.


  • To provide parental care of the children of the students, faculties and staff of Daffodil International University so that they can contribute dedicated time to the university without any mental stress
  • To provide pre-school learning facilities of these children in a congenial atmosphere with fun and interactions


Children from the age of minimum 3 months up to the age of maximum 7 years of the students, faculties and staff of Daffodil International University are eligible to avail the services of the Daffodil Angel’s Daycare.


  1. Daffodil International University will establish a “Daffodil Angel’s Daycare” for the benefit of the children of its students, faculties and staff. The center will provide a home atmosphere with clean, safe and friendly environment for the children to stay, enjoy and learn.
  2. The Center will be governed by an approved Daycare committee of DIU which will monitor its activities and ensure that the highest quality Pre-school and daycare services are being delivered at the Center.
  3. Necessary infrastructure, support services, human resources and recreational environment with family atmosphere will be ensured at the Center by the committee as mentioned above.
  4. The committee and the staff of the Center will have monthly meeting with the guardians to disseminate proper information regarding their children and to receive their feedback regarding further improvement.
  5. The staff of the Center are not allowed to take children out of the university campus without approved supervisor(s) and prior permission of the committee.

  6. Daffodil Angel’s Daycare will have the following features:
  • One-stop daycare service & pre-education
  • Run by nationally and internationally experienced persons
  • Expert teachers and caring personnel
  • Complete parental care with homely environment
  • Necessary services for mental, social, physical growth/development of the child
  • Best fit room, toys, and environment for a particular age group
  • High Security with CCTV surveillance
  • Right information sharing with the guardians/parents regarding their children
  • Air-conditioned, spacious rooms
  • Fire extinguisher, First aid & hygienic environment
  • Necessary instant medical support
  1. The Center will provide the following services:
  • Daycare services for the child of 3-months to less than 2 years
  • Pre-school play services for the child above 2 years to 4 years
  • Daycare services for the children above 4 years up to 7 years
  • Reading room facility for children above 4 years
  • Open from 7: 30 am to 6:30 pm (Full time and Part-time)
  • Preschool 9:00am - 10:30am and 11: 00am- 12:30pm
  • Highly qualified and experienced staff
  • Natural environment program
  • Interactive learning through Music and Movement
  • Creative activity and educational game
  • Certified Trainer
  • First Aid Facility
  1. The other concerns of the Daffodil Family may also avail the services of the Daffodil Angel’s Daycare of the university.