Computing and Information System

Event List

Event Details

Semester Exchange Program at Universiti Sains Malaysia

30 March 2024

12:29 PM

Room No. AB 402

AB Building, DIU Smart City Campus

Contact Person

Md. Saiful Islam, Covener, DIU CPC

Contact: 01810 000 000

🎉🌟 Let's give a huge round of applause to Mahmudul Hasan Sumon! 🌟🎉
We are absolutely elated to announce the incredible achievement of Mahmudul Hasan Sumon, a talented student from the Department of Information Technology & Management at Daffodil International University! 🎓✨
Mahmudul has been selected to participate in a semester exchange program at Universiti Sains Malaysia, showcasing his dedication, hard work, and exceptional skills in ITM. 💻📚
Mahmudul, your DIU family is bursting with pride at your remarkable accomplishment! 🎉👏 Your journey serves as an inspiration to us all, demonstrating the incredible possibilities that await with passion and perseverance. 🚀
As you embark on this exciting adventure, know that we are behind you every step of the way. 🌍💫 May your time at USM be filled with enriching experiences, valuable learning opportunities, and unforgettable memories.
Congratulations, Mahmudul Hasan Sumon! 🎉👏 Your DIU family celebrates your success and wishes you all the best on this incredible journey! 🌟🎓 #DIU #ITM #SemesterExchangeProgram #USM 🇧🇩🌏🇲🇾

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