Daffodil International University (DIU) has established a strong reputation for nurturing innovation and academic excellence across many disciplines. Since its inception, DIU has worked hard to build a strong national and international standing in leading edge fields like Engineering and Information Technology (IT) and is renowned as a foremost provider of professional, career-focused education and research.
Each and every department of Faculty of Science and Information Technology of Daffodil International University endeavors to provide its students adequate laboratory facilities in each semester. Both undergraduate and graduate courses of this Faculty are intensively laboratory oriented. We believe that a student can not learn the subject-matter of a course without having any hands-on experience in the laboratory. Keeping this in mind, from the very beginning, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering under this Faculty is trying its level best to establish different already have established nine (9) laboratories. Each and every semester we are upgrading and improving our laboratories and their experiments. A brief description of each of these laboratories is given below:
- Physics Laboratory I and II: This laboratory has established in two rooms at Room # 501 and 502. These are well equipped with various types of apparatus such as calorimeters, post office box, meter bridge, potentiometer, polarimeter, compound pendulum, microscope, sonometer, optical bench, traveling microscope, resistance boxes (ranging from 0.1 W to 10,000 W), rheostats of various ranges, slide calipers, screw gauges, capillary tubes, Searle’s apparatus, bad conductors, good conductors, viscosity measurement apparatus, galvanometers, voltmeters, ammeters, multimeters etc.
- Electrical Circuits Laboratory: This laboratory is located at Room # 506 and is equipped with various types of resistors, variable rheostat, inductor bank, capacitor bank, dc and ac power supplies, switches, lamp boards, ammeters, voltmeters, analog and digital wattmeters, LCR meters, clamp-on meters, variacs (up to 5 KVA), oscilloscopes etc. In the laboratory classes, students are taught how to build electrical circuits, safety rules of electrical circuits, installation of common household appliances. The students also verify different electrical circuit and network theorems e.g., KCL, KVL, mesh, node, Y-D and D-Y transformation, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, maximum power transfer and superposition theorems etc. They also construct phasor diagram of the circuits from the experimental data, determine mutual inductance for the couple circuits, find the series and parallel resonance frequency of ac circuits and quality factors of the inductance coil, measure the ac power in the single phase and three phase circuits etc.
- Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory: At present, the classes of this laboratory are being conducted in the Electrical Circuits Laboratory. This laboratory is well resourced with various types of test and measurement instruments like galvanometer, ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter, energy meter, variacs, solar panel, different types of transducer etc. Students design and implement experiments on differential and instrumentation amplifier, universal voltmeter, power and energy measurement techniques, high resistance measurement by loss of charge method, minority carrier life-time measurement of LED, LDR etc. They also do few experiments using MATLAB and PSPICE software, such as sensitivity measurement of Wheatstone bridge, frequency measurement etc.
- Analog Electronics Laboratory: This laboratory has been set up in the Room # 504 and is equipped with various types of analog trainer boards, oscilloscopes, dc power sources, function generators, multimeter, milliammeter, microammeter, LCR meters etc. Besides, in this laboratory we have wide ranges of resistors, capacitors, inductors, VRs, diodes, transistors, MOSFETs, analog ICs etc. Students are engaged in doing experiments on study of semiconductor device characteristics, voltage regulator circuit, rectifier circuit; adder, integrator and differentiator circuit using linear op-amp IC etc. Besides, students build project on CE/CC amplifier, power amplifier, communication circuits such as, Amplitude and Frequency Modulation and Demodulation circuit, PLL circuit etc. They are also taught modern-day CAD-based software like OrCAD to simulate various circuit problems.
- Digital Electronics Laboratory: This laboratory is established in the Room # 505 and is featured with state-of-the art laboratory equipment such as, digital trainer board, FPGA training kit of MDA-ASIC2, logic probe, IC tester, IC extractor, digital meters, data switches, and wide ranges of digital ICs of TTL and CMOS series. Students do laboratory experiments combinational and sequential circuits and test their functionality by hardware implementation and software simulations using different softwares, such as, Electronic Workbench, Verilog, VHDL etc. Besides, they build up many projects on logic circuits, Synchronous Transmitter- Receiver System, Data converter, Multiplier, digital voltmeter, traffic light controller using verilog HDL etc. Using this kit students learn how to program using VHDL or verilog HDL and how to configure the custom chip based on their design.
- Microprocessor and Interfacing Laboratory: This laboratory is established in the Room # 508 with six 8086 microprocessor trainer kit, Pentium IV microcomputer, memory ICs and interface devices. In this laboratory, students are taught primarily about assembly language programming and they do small programs in PC using Microsoft assembler program. They are also taught how to generate hex code of the assembly program and input it to the 8086 microprocessor kit both manually and through serial port from the microcomputer. Besides, students do projects on microprocessor and PC based DC motor and stepper motor controls, control of different electrical appliances through relay, display different patterns on LED, seven-segment display and dot-matrix display.
- Data Communication Laboratory: At present, the classes of this laboratory are being conducted in the Telecommunication Engineering Laboratory. This laboratory has also been set-up using the TIMS, Australia. At the moment, students are doing experiments on AM, FM, PCM, QPSK, ASK, FSK, GMSK, BER calculation, TDM, TDMA, CDMA etc. using ‘Communication Toolbox’ of MATLAB. From the TIMS equipment, students are using the phase shifters, VCO, twin pulse generator, analog switch, sequence generator, audio oscillator, optical fiber etc. for doing different experiments and these experimental data are being analyzed using MATLAB programs. Besides, students have to do experiments using OPNET software
- Computer Networks Laboratory: This laboratory has been set up in the Room 203. In this laboratory, we have around 20 Pentium IV PCs connected in a LAN for sixty students. This laboratory is well resourced with Windows 2000 Professional Servers, Cables (UTP, STP, Optical fiber, DTE-DCE etc.), access points, GPS, connector, crimpling tools, cable tester, NIC, RJ45 connectors, routers, switches, hubs and other networking kits. At first students learn the technical details and analysis using Packet tracer software. For further study, they implement these with different devices provided in this laboratory. There are normally three networking environment - Peer to Peer Networking, Client-server networking and Routing. All experiments may be observed by wire line or wireless equipments
- Programming Laboratory: The Faculty of Science and Information Technology has four computer laboratories located at the Room # 201, 202 and 204. Each one is equipped with twenty Pentium®IV PCs running with operating systems Windows/Linux and with latest programming, graphics and database softwares. The programming languages and packages include Parsec, C, C++, Java, MATLAB etc. to support the hands on laboratory practices for different computation intensive courses, and also for on-line ACM programming competition. Here, students are taught basics of computer programming and also they build small course projects.
Beside these laboratory facilities the department provides the internet facilities in Lab rooms for adequate research materials and assignment. Moreover, student can get limited service for print and Xerox of the documents