Civil Engineering

Lab Facility

Civil Engineering Drawing lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Md. Masud Rana&nbsp



Lab Location


Short Description

This course is designed to provide basic concepts of civil engineering drawings. Students will learn how to construct all architectural, structural and other drawings. It includes lettering, plane geometry, different geometric constructions, types of lines, perspective projections, orthographic projections, structural floor plan of a building etc.


Drawing table, Drawing tool box.

Surveying Lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Md. Masud Rana



Lab Location

Building: Civil Engineering Laboratories, Engineering Complex, Floor: 2nd Floor, Room Number: CE Lab 202

Short Description

Undergraduates studying civil engineering are intended to gain a fundamental understanding of the theory and application of engineering surveying techniques through this course. The knowledge acquired through theoretical surveying will be put into practice by the students. This manual covers fieldwork such as theodolite traverse surveying, chain surveying, plane table surveying, leveling, tacheometry, curve setting, and house setting.


1. Digital Theodolite 2. Automatic Level Instrument 3. Leveling Staff 4. Total Station 5. Total Station Reflector 6. North-South Finding Compass 7. Engineer's Chain (100 ft) 8. Steel Arrows 9. Water Level 10. Wooden Pegs 11. Plane Table with Wooden Tripod 12. Spirit Level 13. Ranging Rods 14. Measuring Tape (300 ft and 16 ft) 15. Laser Distance Meter 16. Optical Square

Concrete Materials Lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Md. Masud Rana



Lab Location

Building: Civil Engineering Laboratories, Engineering Complex, Floor: Basement Floor, Room Number: CE Lab 101

Short Description

The Department of Civil Engineering at DIU's Engineering Materials Lab provides students with invaluable practical experience in testing a variety of materials, such as brick, stone aggregates, sand, cement, concrete, and soil. Under the supervision of knowledgeable department members, students can complete research projects and undergraduate theses in the lab, which has a large selection of equipment.


1. Concrete Mixer Machine 2. Concrete Compression Testing Machine 3. Cement Testing Machine 4. Vicat Apparatus 5. Oven 6. Concrete Core Cutter 7. Pycnometer (1000 ml) 8. Digital Balance (0.1-05 kg) 9. Sieve Set (dia 8"): 0.075 mm, 0.150 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.6 mm, 1.180 mm, 2.36 mm, 4.75 mm with lid & pan, including motorized Sieve Shaker (dia 200-315 mm) 10. Cube Mold (100 mm × 100 mm) with base plate & locking nut 11. Cube Mold (50 mm × 50 mm), 3-gang cube mold with base plate & locking nut

Mechanics of Solids Lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Md. Zulfikar Ali

Lab Attendant


Lab Location


Short Description

Mechanics of Solids Lab is a vital subject for civil engineering. In this way students will know many important things.Some concepts from strength of materials such as analysis of material properties based on tension, compression, hardness, bending, buckling, direct shear, impact, torsion, behavior of spring etc. As a result, they will get a lot of success by using it properly.


Universal Testing Machine, Hardness Testing Machine, Deflection truss Measuring Arrangement, Torsion Testing Machine, Beam Frame Loading Machine, Buckling Testing Machine, Weight Stone, Impact Test Machine, Non-Coplanar force Measurement Arrangement, Digital Slide Calipers.

Environmental Engineering Lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Md. Masud Alom

Assistant Professor

01744 838502

Lab Location

Building: Civil Engineering Academic Building B extention Floor: Ground Floor, Room Number: CE Lab B112

Short Description

The Environmental Engineering Laboratory's equipment is suitable for the Civil Engineering Department's undergraduate programs. This lab primarily handles all of the tests needed to evaluate the quality of solid liquid waste, drinking water, and sanitation. The facility offers top-notch facilities for research, instruction, and testing.


1. UV Spectrophotometer 2. PH Meter 3. Electric Conductivity (EC) Meter 4. DO Meter 5. Turbidity Meter 6. Digital Balance 1mg-220mg 7. COD Reactor 8. Incubator BOD 9. Oven 10. Fridge 11. Burret 50 ml 12. Beaker 250ml 13. Conical flax 500w 14. BOD Bottle 15. Iron Test Kit

Geotechnical Engineering Lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Mr. Ahad Ullah

Senior Lecturer


Lab Location

Building: Civil Engineering Academic Building B extention Floor: Ground Floor Room Number: CE Lab B111

Short Description

The frequent and routine laboratory tests on various soil types are the primary focus of this lab manual. In accordance with ASTM (American Standards for Testing Materials) methods, permeability tests, unconfined compression tests, and consolidation tests will be conducted on collected undisturbed soil samples, while field identification tests and laboratory tests such as grain size analysis by sieve and hydrometer tests, specific gravity tests, moisture content determination tests, organic content determination tests, Atterberg limits tests, compaction tests, relative density tests, and direct shear tests may be conducted on collected disturbed soil samples.


1. Direct Shear Test Equipment 2. Permeability Test Equipment 3. Consolidation Test Equipment 4. Unconfined Compressive Device with Sample Preparation 5. Digital Balance (0.01 to 300 g) 6. Field Density by Sand Cone Method Apparatus 7. Standard Proctor Mold with Collar and Hammer (ASTM) 8. Sieves (0.075 mm, 0.150 mm, 0.300 mm, 0.425 mm, 0.600 mm, 1.18 mm, 2.00 mm, 2.36 mm, 4.75 mm) 9. Liquid Limit Device 10. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer 11. Pycnometer 12. Hydrometer (152H, ASTM) 13. Drying Oven (Not Functional) 14. Soil Lathe and Extruder

Transportation Engineering Lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Mr. Saurav Barua

Assistant Professor


Lab Location

Building: Civil Engineering Laboratories, Engineering Complex, Floor: 2nd Floor, Room Number: CE Lab 201

Short Description

The transport lab assesses behaviors and materials that are essential for building and maintaining roads, with a particular focus on bituminous materials, aggregates, and traffic engineering to guarantee infrastructure that is efficient, long-lasting, and safe.


1. CBR Apparatus 2. Pycnometer (25 ml) 3. Digital balance (150kg) 4. Impact Testing Machine 5. Los Angle Abrasion Test for Aggregate, 6. Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus 7. Marshall Compression Testing Machine 8. Flash & Fire Apparatus 9. Infrared cooker 10. Radar Gun 11. Pyrex iwaki glass 12. Elongation Index Apparatus 13. Flakiness Index Apparatus 14. Counter 15. Penetration Apparatus (Bitumen Penetrometer) 16. Rotating Bituminous Membrane Oven

Strength of Materials Lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Mr. Abu Hasan

Assistant Professor


Lab Location

Building: Civil Engineering Laboratories, Engineering Complex, Floor: Basement Floor, Room Number: CE Lab 102

Short Description

The lab's capabilities include tensile and compressive strength testing, hardness, buckling, and impact tests, as well as simulations and testing for failure analysis and mechanical structure design enhancements.


1. Universal Testing Machine (UTM-1000 KN) 2. Hardness Testing Machine 3. Impact Test Machine 4. Buckling Testing Machine 5. Beam Loading Setup 6. Structural Shaking Table 7. Johnson Shear Tool

Water Resources Engineering Lab

Civil Engineering

Assigned Person Details

Farjana Islam



Lab Location

Building: Civil Engineering Laboratories, Engineering Complex, Floor: Ground Floor, Room Number: CE Lab 202

Short Description

Open channel flow is exemplified by the flow in rivers and canals. The most important information required in water resources engineering is discharge when constructing any structure on a river, canal, or for flood prevention. Open-channel discharge measurement differs from closed-channel discharge measurement. This course's primary goal is to educate students how to measure discharge in an open channel and to familiarize them with some of the words and phenomena related to open channel flow that they will encounter in their future practical work.


1. Multi-purpose Tilting Flume (Flume, 5m) 2. Parshall Flume 3. Broad Crested weir 4. Sharp crested weir 5. Level Gauges 6. Pitot Tube 7. Sluice Gates 8. Digital Hydraulic Bench 9. Centre of Pressure Apparatus 10. Bernoulli's Theorem Apparatus 11. Flow Through a Venturi-meter 12. Flow Through an Orifice 13. Flow Through an Mouthpiece 14. Flow Over a V-notch 15. Friction Loss in a Pipe