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Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Departmental FAQ

If you are a student of science background or you have a diploma in Electrical or Electronic or Computer science or related subjects, an Engineering degree will smooth your future career. If you are a technology freak, then a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering will be best compatible with you.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering is concerned with defining the technologies required for our future needs, including communication, entertainment, energy and healthcare. Electrical and Electronic Engineers are involved in advances in medical technology, e-commerce, mobile telephones, wireless communications, renewable energy and the internet. This degree program provides students with a broad range of skills relating to all aspects of the design of electronic systems and devices. It combines coursework in different aspects of electrical and electronic engineering, as well as individual and group project work, where students design and build innovative electronic systems.

The admission procedure of the department goes through a competitive written examination. Students having a minimum 2.5 GPA or second division both in SSC and HSC from a Science background or its equivalent background can apply. Selected students from the admission test can take admission to the department.

EEE is the most demanding program and second largest department of the university. Since its establishment, the department has been flourishing day by day. The teacher-student interaction is quite spectacular and the course is designed to meet the demand of recent technological innovation.

The degree is approved by University Grants Commission (UGC). Within very short time, the degree is going to be approved by Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).

Students cannot admit directly into year 2. A student has to transfer his/her credits from his/her previous university/institute if he/she wants to admit into second year.

Yes. The department runs an evening program for part-time students.

Qualified teachers graduated/post graduated from renowned universities of the country and abroad teach the students in a friendly and research-oriented environment.

The teaching procedure is a combination of theoretical and experimental knowledge. Teachers first take theoretical classes and then the related topics are practically verified in laboratories. The classrooms and laboratories are well equipped and students can also communicate with their teachers through Learning Feedback System (LFS).

Yes. The students get practical training in theory related laboratories.

Our classes are very comfortable and well-equipped. The size of the class is also moderate and has the facility to accommodate only 30 to 40 students.

The course curriculum is designed by considering the increased need for computer skills. The course contains programming languages like C, C++, MATLAB, Verilog HDL, and other required computer courses. The department has well-equipped computer Laboratories.

The workload depends on the credit hours of the student in a particular semester. Approximately a regular student has to take 12 to 15 credit hours in a semester.

The assessment of a student depends on several qualifications. In theoretical courses, assessment is based on attendance, class tests, assignments, presentation skills, midterm, and final examinations. The laboratory assessment consists of attendance, Laboratory reports, Laboratory performance, and a final Laboratory Quiz. 

The students take their lectures in scheduled classrooms according to the class routine. Students can also get lectures through learning feedback system (LFS).

Students do their practical work in related laboratories.

The department has well-developed computer laboratories with internet facilities. Students can use the laboratory computers for educational purpose.

Students can do own private studies in Library reading room. The library reading room is very comfortable and well-facilitated.

Yes. Daffodil international university has a well-organized library. Students get the facility of taking books from the library. The library has also a reading room where students can make private study or group discussions.

The teachers of the department are very friendly and research-oriented. Student can contact their respective course teachers if they face any difficulties. Student can also communicate through Learning Feedback System (LFS) and Forum with their course teachers.

The laboratories of the department are well-equipped. Those are designed by considering the demand of the respective theoretical classes and industries.

The students get the lab facilities for their project work where teachers and lab assistant helps them to accomplish.

Every student has an academic advisor to discuss his/her academic and personal problems. The advisor helps the student to achieve academic and professional goals.

Every student has an academic advisor to discuss his/her academic and personal problems. The advisor helps the student to achieve academic and professional goals.