
About COOP

  • Cooperative Education (CO-OP) combines academic studies with work experience. Students receive hands-on experience in their chosen field of study and able to earn study cost.
  • CO-OP is the bridge between the employer, the student and the academic institution and benefits everyone involved.
  • Each and every student of BBS can take coop facilities.
  • First time ever in Bangladesh

How a student will prepare for Coop facilities:

  • Attend mandatory workshops and seminars arranged by DIU.
  • Need to complete two courses “Art of Living" and "Employ-ability 3600”.
  • Must complete 2 semesters of study with a minimum GPA 3.00.
  • Maintain the database
  • Recommend the students
  • Motivate and conduct relevant seminar/workshop to prepare them.
  • Assign a supervisor to research on the industry through feedback from the students
  • Just pick and choose from the database.
  • Ensure congenial work atmosphere and payment.