
About Eduloan

About Eduloan: Our aim is to facilitate the promising students who are dedicated and ambitious about continuing their study but financially insolvent. For the first time ever, we hope to change this scenario through our innovative program Eduloan, which will provide financially challenged students a platform to forge ahead with their passion. We believe that utmost dedication and perseverance can bring the change we wish to make. That is why this program offers the young students an opportunity to study with loans incurring zero percent interest only. Moreover, this program is inclusive of those students who wish to fund their studies independently without monetary help from the guardians. It is our hope that these students will make their marks in their relevant fields and emerge as full-fledged individuals by dint of the opportunities given to them.

Who can apply?

Any candidate with minimum GPA 4.00 in HSC/equivalent will be considered eligible for applying Eduloan at DIU. Moreover, the applicant must fulfill other minimum requirements of DIU admission criteria.

How to Apply?

Step 1: Collect the Eduloan Application Form from the admission office. Or download it from DIU website.

Step 2: Fill in the form with relevant information and submit it to DIU Admission office along with necessary original documents.

Step 3: DIU authority will evaluate and verify the applications and submitted documents.

Step 4: Finally the applicants will be notified of the loan approval decisions within five (5) working days from the submission date.

Repayment Options:

Credit Amount Installments
84 Months 72 Months 60 Months 48 Months
Tk. 3,572/- Tk. 4,167/- Tk. 5,000/- Tk. 6,250/-




FAQ for EduLoan

  1. Who can apply for this loan?
    Any financially disadvantaged candidate with minimum GPA 4.00 in HSC/equivalent with other minimum requirements (where applicable) will be able to apply for Eduloan at DIU.
  2. How do I apply for a loan?
    You can apply for the loan in a prescribed form which is available in admission office as well as in DIU website.
  3. When should I apply for my loan and how long will it take to process?
    You should apply for the loan at the time for admission. You will be notified about the decision within 1 week.
  4. What is the amount of loan?
    Maximum loan amount is 100% of the tuition fee.
  5. Can I apply for Scholarship, if I take loan?
    Yes, you can.
  6. Do I have to pay any interest against my loan amount?
  7. What is a Guarantor?
    Guarantor is the person who will be responsible to repay the loan amount in case your inability to repay.
  8. Who can be my Guarantor?
    Your Father/Mother/Sibling/Any 1st blood relative
  9. What academic standards must I maintain at DIU to be continued for loan?
    Minimum CGPA 3.00 in overall academic year and 90% attendance rate.
  10. What happens if I fail to make satisfactory academic progress?
    Loan facilities may be cancelled or reevaluated.
  11. What are my repayment options?
  12. What happens if I miss any repayment installment?
    If you miss 1 installment you can give that along with the next month’s installment. If you miss 2 installment late fine of Tk 3000 need to be paid. If you miss 3 or more installment action will be taken.
  13. Can I change repayment option later?
    You may apply for change.  But the repayment must be done within 7 years from the date of admission.
  14. How can I find out how much I still owe?
    You can communicate with the account section.
  15. What happens if I discontinue or withdraw from the university?
    You have to inform us formally. The authority will take decision on case by case basis.
  16. I'm halfway through the semester and I haven't applied for a student loan, can I still apply?
    Yes you can apply.
  17. What are the causes of cancellation of loan facility?


If your academic progress is not satisfactory as per the rules or any misconduct found against DIU and country, the loan will