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Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharm.)


Program Objectives

The principal objectives of this curriculum are:

  1. To broaden the academic and scientific knowledge gathered at the undergraduate level for better practice in the professional fields.
  2. To promote research activities on different fields of pharmacy so as to develop newer techniques of formulation, quality control and standardization of drug and drug product including validation, other organizations in drug research, marketing, sales and administration.
  3. To develop and propagate novel ideas with a view to nourish Pharmacy professionalism among the graduates.

Eligibility for Admission:

  1. Completion of 4-year Bachelor of Pharmacy course or 3-year Bachelor of Pharmacy and 1-year Master in Pharmacy from a recognized institute/university at home and abroad.
  2. The applicant must have the cGPA of at least 2.5 or above (in a scale of 4.0), or at least second class (55% or above).
  3. The applicant must have completed courses in Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics at undergradu ate level.
  4. The applicant has to sit for admission test and the university will select them on the basis of previous results and admission test results.

Program Outline:

First Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit
MPH 511 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 3
MPH 512 Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology 3
MPH 513 Advanced Pharmacology and Toxicology 3
MPH 514 Advanced Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management 3
MPH 515 Advanced Nutraceuticals  and Food Technology 3
MPH 516 Presentation on Research Planning  1
Total   16

Second Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit
MPH 521 Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis and Method Validation 3
MPH 522 Advanced Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics 3
MPH 523 Advanced Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 3
MPH 524 International Marketing and Regulatory Affairs 3
MPH 525T Thesis  and Thesis presentation


MPH 526 Viva-voce 1
Total   20

The thesis work will be started during the 1st semester and will have to be completed within a total of 18 months. Every student must present two seminars on his/her thesis work. One seminar will be held during thesis work (date will be fixed by the Department) and another will be held after completion of thesis work.

First Semester
(General Group)

Course Code Course Title Theory Pract.
MPH 511 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 3 1
MPH 512 Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology 3 1
MPH 513 Advanced Pharmacology and Toxicology 3 1
MPH 514 Advanced Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management 3  
MPH 515 Advanced Nutraceuticals  and Food Technology 3  
Total   18  

Second Semester
(General Group)

Course Code Course Title Theory Pract.
MPH 521 Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis and Method Validation 3 1
MPH 522 Advanced Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics 3 1
MPH 523 Advanced Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 3  
MPH 524 International Marketing and Regulatory Affairs 3  
MPH 525P Project and Project presentation (2+1)  
MPH 526 Viva Voce 1  
Total   18  

Duration of the Program:

The students will complete 36 credits hours over a period of 18 months. The course will be day long (part-time) and the courses will be offered in both thesis and general (non-thesis) group.

Thesis and Thesis Presentation:

The topic of thesis will be relevant, significant and contributory to health sciences and will be carried out under expert supervisor. The thesis work will be started during the 1st semester and will have to be completed within a total of 18 months. Every student must present two seminars on his/her thesis work. One seminar will be held during thesis work (date will be fixed by the Department) and another will be held after completion of thesis work. The thesis report will be evaluated by two external experts and the students will present their thesis in front of examination committee along with external expert and scientist where there will be a session for open question and discussion.

Project and Project Presentation:

Pharm. students of general (non-thesis) group shall carry out a project, which will be relevant, significant and contributory to health sciences and will be carried out under expert academic supervisor also acts as their personal tutor for the duration of the degree program. Students who are in service are encouraged to consult their employers so that, if possible, the project can be related to the work carried out in their normal employment. Every student must present a seminar on his/her project work. The project report will be evaluated by two external experts and the students will present their project in front of examination committee along with external expert and scientist where there will be a session for open question and discussion.


The viva-voce of both (thesis and general group) will be conducted by the examination committee along with external experts.

Grading and Performance Evaluation:

Final grade in each course will be given on the basis of performance on class attendance, assignments, presentation, quiz, midterm tests and semester final examination. The students having less than 70% attendance in class won’t be allowed to sit for exam. The students who failed to complete the courses within stipulated time will get extra two years to complete those. There will be a week of preparatory leave before the mid-term and final examination.

The distribution of marks for a given course will be as follows:

Class attendance: 5 %

Class test and Assignment: 10 %

Presentation: 5 %

Mid Term examination: 30 %

Semester final examination: 50 %

A student will earn letter grades on the basis of his/her performance of the course. The following letter grades are awarded to the students after the completion of each course.