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Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Event List

Event Details

A Comprehensive Workshop on OBE: Effective Mapping & Attainment of outcomes along with WK-WP-EA Addressing

20 November 2024

3:00 PM

Daffodil Smart City, Birulia, Savar, Dhaka-1216

The EEE Department of Daffodil International University organized a hands-on workshop on Outcome-Based Education (OBE).
The workshop, presided over by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, was attended by EEE faculty members and representatives from TE, CE, and ICE departments. A keynote address was delivered by an esteemed guest speaker Prof.Dr. Md. Mofazzal Hossain, PhD, SMIEE, Pro Vice Chancellor, Southeast University who was invited to facilitate discussions on effective mapping and outcome attainment in the context of OBE.

Recent Events

3 Jun 2023

Inauguration of the Renewable Energy Research Laboratory

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE). organized an event on the "Inauguration ceremony of the Renewable Energy Research Laboratory and Training Center" at DSC

To mark this momentous occasion, we have invited Minister of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MoPEM), Mr. Nasrul Hamid, MP to be the chief guest at the inauguration ceremony. Additionally, we are honored to have Mr. Nahim Razzaq, MP Convenor of Climate Parliament Bangladesh and Member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Foreign Affairs, joining us as a special guest.

The program will take place in the International Conference Hall, AB-4, Daffodil Smart City, Dhaka on June 03, 2023 at 10.00 am.

20 Nov 2024

A Comprehensive Workshop on OBE: Effective Mapping & Attainment of outcomes along with WK-WP-EA Addressing

The EEE Department of Daffodil International University organized a hands-on workshop on Outcome-Based Education (OBE).
The workshop, presided over by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, was attended by EEE faculty members and representatives from TE, CE, and ICE departments. A keynote address was delivered by an esteemed guest speaker Prof.Dr. Md. Mofazzal Hossain, PhD, SMIEE, Pro Vice Chancellor, Southeast University who was invited to facilitate discussions on effective mapping and outcome attainment in the context of OBE.

21 Nov 2024

Successful Completion of Industrial Visit to Ghorashal Power Station

We are proud to announce the successful completion of the Industrial Visit to Ghorashal Power Station,
organized by the IEEE IAS DIU Student Branch Chapter in collaboration with the Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, DIU.
The visit offered participants an excellent opportunity to witness firsthand how one of the nation’s largest
power stations operates. Students gained valuable insights into energy generation, turbine mechanisms,
and power plant safety, bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical applications.
Our heartfelt thanks go to the Ghorashal Power Station authorities for their support and hospitality and to
the organizers for their hard work and dedication in making this event a success.

16 Feb 2025

Fire Evacuation Drill and Fire Safety Training

The Safety and Security Management of Daffodil International University successfully organized a Fire Evacuation Drill and Fire Safety Training for EEE Department to enhance awareness and preparedness for fire emergencies. The event featured a coordination meeting, hands-on training, and a full-scale evacuation drill. It brought together a diverse group of faculty members, administrative staff, students, office staff, cleaners, electricians, and other department employees, ensuring they gained valuable skills in fire safety and emergency response.

The training was a great success, reinforcing the importance of fire safety and better equipping our department to handle emergencies effectively.