
Need-based Waiver

Conditions to apply:
  • Students, who are not getting any type of waiver or scholarship in DIU but facing financial problems, are eligible to apply for need-based financial aid.  
  • Minimum requirements to apply for the Need-based waiver are:
    1. Students must be registered with 12 credits (trimester) and 15 credits (Bi-semester)
    2. SGPA of last semester must be minimum 3.00 
  • Students who are already enjoying waiver benefit in any category should not apply for further waiver benefit.
  • Newly admitted students can apply for waiver benefits under need-based category through the online Financial Aid Form after the completion of at least one semester at DIU.
  • In case of transferred students from one program to another, to retain the received waiver benefit students have to apply again after changing their program.
  • Considering the low cost of the programs, Need-based Waiver may not be offered to the students of B.Com (Hons), B.A. (Hons) in English, L.L.B, Evening programs and other similar programs.
Whom to contact: 

For getting information regarding waiver and scholarship students can visit the website of Daffodil International University For further information and application about waiver and scholarship, students are advised to contact with following personnel of DIU:

  1. Coordination Officer of respective department
  2. Admission Officer
  3. Waiver and Scholarship section of Registrar Office

Application is to be processed through following sequence (If applicable)

Batch Advisor >      Head of the Department  >    Registrar

How to apply: 
  • Students have to apply through online financial aid form for need-based financial aid through the following link by paying Tk 102/-only.
  • Applicants must appear before the Viva-Board to avail need-based financial aid.
Conditions to enjoy waiver/scholarship:
  1. Students who will apply for tuition fee waiver in other different quotas (Need-based, Freedom Fighters, Tribal, DIC students, Sports, 1st batch quota etc) should maintain a minimum SGPA 3.00 out of 4.00 in each semester.
  2. Waiver benefit is applicable only for tuition fee and not applicable for Admission fee, Semester fee, Library fee, Lab fee, Extra Curricular activities fee, Improvement, Retake, Project/ Dissertation/Internship etc.
  3. Students must get 3.00 in English I and II to retain the waiver in any quota.  
  4. Facilities, such as, scholarship, waiver, Laptop, etc, will instantly be cancelled forever if any student is found taking part in any activity which goes against the rules and regulations of the university and hamper the image. This policy will be followed strictly.