

Introduction :

Accommodation is an important consideration for university life for students & faculty, whether you are studying, visiting or working.  We offer a wide option of types of accommodation to suit your needs, preferences and budgets and all of our facilities are within walking distance of Daffodil International University departments and campuses. Besides we also help our students to find places in the surrounding area and also help anyone coming to the University on an official visit. Visiting scholars and members of staff get accommodation facilities here.

About Our Accommodation:

Daffodil International University has a fine hostel and accommodation facilities for its students, faculty and guests. We have……. hostels (separate for men and women) with different service standards including 4 starred, 3 starred and general standard. A group of professionals from hospitality industries who have a huge wealth of local knowledge serve here. We can also provide personal support, help and advice as well. 
We have split-level shared rooms, single rooms and VIP rooms for our guests which are all in the adjacent area.

Accommodation Features:

University Halls:

Living in halls at Daffodil can be a very homely experience for students. Daffodil International University provides both semi-furnished and furnished rooms for students. Living in halls is a great way to make the most of your university years. As a Daffodil student, you are guaranteed a place in halls if you are a registered or international student of the University. You have to choose to apply to one of our halls of residence in the city or on the permanent campus. 

Furnished accommodation:

Includes meals and laundry support which is available to students.

Self-catered accommodation:

Includes facilities for students to prepare their own meals.  These are available to both undergraduates and postgraduates. 

Halls for International Students:

Daffodil International University is very focused on the international arena nowadays. Every year international students come to study here for short- and long-term study purposes from different corners of the world. From the day they join the University we assist them to achieve their career goals. We care about their feelings and help them to get diverse cross cultural experiences during their stay at Daffodil. 
Our Accommodation office can help to find you the best accommodation here. Also you can contact to International Office for advice and let us know your preferred accommodation plan and other required information like, entry requirements, scholarships, student profiles, contact details, etc.

Third Party Accommodation:

Our city campuses are located in cosmopolitan areas. There are a number of other third parties and private landlords who offer accommodation close to our campuses and throughout the adjacent area. We help students to find private accommodation suited to their requirements.  

Staff accommodation:

Daffodil International University also has short-term accommodation support for local & international guests. There are some University guest rooms available. Guests may contact the following offices for the information on costs and booking procedures.

Visitor accommodation

Daffodil international University has five starred, four starred and three starred accommodation facilities for visiting academics and academic or research students from another university. Academics will directly contact the Department or international office for confirmation. All types of support services are available here. We offer the following types of accommodation services:
• On-campus accommodation: It is available to visitors on either a short or long stay basis. 
• Off-campus accommodation located close to the city or the University's campuses. 

Female Hostels:

Daffodil International University has hostel facilities for female students in an upper-middle class area and near to the University campuses. All types of support services and security systems have been ensured to give them a homely feeling. 

Accommodation Services:

Our customer focused experience has helped us build an enviable reputation in all aspects of our work. We use the University's extensive and unique facilities to serve students, guests and visitors. 

Catering Outlets:

Our accommodation service includes cafés and restaurants around the University. We try to suit all tastes and give tasty, healthy food to all. 

Recreation Facilities:

We have a lot of facilities like, play zones, TV rooms, a gym, golf course and so on.

IT Facilities

Accommodation services provide high speed internet to the vast majority of students.

Essential Services:

We have the mini library, first aid facilities, study rooms, and prayer rooms to fulfil the needs of our students.