Establishing Daffodil Agro complex to spread production, research and extension of different kinds of organic fruits
Daffodil Agro complex was established in 2017 for the conservation, development, production, research and extension of different kinds of organic fruits. This project has been started with the financial assistance of Daffodil International University in order to develop societal, academic and skill based professionals under Agro Sectors of the country. Most of the fruit plants are broad leaved and evergreen which will absorb more CO 2 and release more O 2 consequently will ensure clean and healthy environment.
Goals and objectives:
- To conserve the fruit germplasm resources
- To maintain the germplasm center as a facility for education research and training
- To supply quality planting materials to various organizations and farmers
- To collect major and minor fruit varieties from home and abroad
- To develop improve variety through collection, conservation, evaluation and characterization
- To create new variety through conventional, mutational and biotechnological breeding methods
- To collect and carry out research on medicinal fruit plants
- To develop successful model and innovative technology for fruit tree managements
- To offer training for efficiency build-up of Govt., NGO’s officials and farmers
- To create a great demand of different fruits all over the country and also contribution in the field of malnutrition and poverty alleviation
- To serve as a recreation center as a green space
- To the fulfilling the demand of planting materials of fruits
- Establishment of technical linkage and coordination with other government line agencies, research organizations and INGO/NGOs for implementing fruit development programs
- To provide technical support to the farmers and entrepreneurs for commercialization of fruit and vegetable development programs
- To develop and discriminate broad leaved and evergreen fruit trees for clean environment
Ø To establish one stop service for fruits and/or other agro products/inputs and services
Major activities of DIU Agro complex:
- Fruit Production
- Fruit saplings production and distribution
- Fruit rootstocks and mother stock production and orchard management
- Ornamental sapling production and distribution
- Nursery establishment with all modern facilities
- Collaborative study, trial and technology developmen
- Germplasms/variety collection and conservation
- Private Nursery monitoring and supervision
- Technical service to farmers
- Farmers' training program
Partial view of Daffodil Agro complex: