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Dr. Aminul Islam

  1. Ghani M. O. and A. Islam. 1957. Use of 8 (OH) quinoline and selenious acid in determining available phosphorus. Soil Science 84: 445-451.
  2. Ghani M. O. and A. Islam. 1957. Relationship between chemically available phosphorus and yield response. Pak. Jour. Biol. Agri. Sci. 1(1): 22- 28.
  3. Ghani M. O. and A. Islam. 1958. Relationship between fluoride soluble phosphorus and oxalate soluble phosphorus of soil. Pak. Jour. Biol. Agri. Sci. 1(2): 161- 165.
  4. Islam A. 1964. The Yield and Chemical composition of soybeans as affected by three levels of complementary nutrients associated with five levels of phosphorus. Pak. Jour. Soil Sci. 1(1): 32- 49.
  5. Karim B., A. Islam, and R. Rahman. 1965. Study of the carbohydrates and protein content of rice plant as influenced by magnesium, aluminium, phosphorus, chloride and sulphate. Pak. Jour. Biol. Agri. Sci. 8(1): 204- 210.
  6. Islam A. and S. Rahman. 1966. The effect of associated salts on the availability of soil phosphorus and its uptake by rice plants. Pak. Jour. Biol. Agri. Sci. 9(2):
  7. Islam A. and T. H. Khan. 1966. Transformation of different phosphatic fertilizers in soils of East Pakistan at field moisture capacity and water logged conditions. Proc. Pak. Acad. Sci.5(1):
  8. Islam A. and I. R. Chawdhury. 1966. Phosphorus fixation capacity of some soils of East Pakistan. Pakistan Jour. Soil Sci. 2:
  9. Islam A. and I. R. Chawdhury. 1967. Soil test correlation studies on some soils of East Pakistan: Comparison of different methods of measuring available soil phosphorus. Pak. Jour. Sci. Res.19(1): 
  10. Islam A. and S. Rahman. 1967. The effects of associated satls on the availability of soil phosphorus and its uptake by wheat plants. The Dhaka University Studies Part. B, XV: 31- 38.
  11. Islam A. and T. H. Khan. 1967. Influence of phosphorus fixing agent in the information of inorganic phosphate in the soils on the addition of phosphate fertilizers. Pak. Jour. Soil Sci. 13(1): 32- 43.
  12. Islam A. and T. H. Khan. 1967. Distubution fo inorganic phosphorus in some soils of East Pakistan. Jour. Biol. Agri. Sci. 10(1):
  13. Islam A., M. Ahmed and M. Jahangiri. 1967. The phosphate potential and phosphate concentration in some acid soils of East Pakistan in relation to the uptake of phosphate by Aus paddy. Pak. Jour. Soil Sci. 3(2):
  14. Islam A. and Shah Mohammad Ullah. 1968. Reclamation of Kosh soils. Pak Jour. of Soil Sci. 4(2): 45- 53.
  15. Islam A. and A. Sobhan Howlader. 1968. Controlled release of nutrients from capsulated ammonium sulphate, super phosphate and muriate of potash in two soils of East Pakistan. Pak. Jour. Soil Sci. 4(2): 30- 38.
  16. Ahmed F., M. Karim, and A. Islam. 1968. Studies of the isotopic exchange behavior of sulphate in soil as related to equilibrium concentration. Pak. Jour. Soil Sci. 4(2): 3- 7.
  17. Islam A. and R. C. Shaha. 1969. Effects of silicon on the chemical composition of rice plant. Plant and Soil XXX(3) : 446- 458.
  18. Islam A. and G. Kibria. 1969. The effect of physical and chemical treatments on the growth and yield of rice plants in saline soil. Pak. Jour. Agri. Biol. Sci. 12(1): 74- 83.
  19. Islam A. and J. Bilton. 1970. The effect of soil pH on potassium intensity and release of non exchangeable potassium to rye grass. Jour. Agri. Sci. Cambridge  (England) 75: 571- 576.
  20. Islam A. 1970. Transformation for inorganic phosphorus in flooded soil under rice cropping. Plant and Soil 33: 533- 544.
  21. Islam A., T. H. Khan, and M. Rahman. 1970. Retention of calcium, manganese, copper, zinc and iron by humic acid. Pak. Jour. Soil Sci. 6(1):
  22. Ahad S. A., A. Islam and S. A. Malek. 1971. Effect of N, P, K on the availability and uptake of some trace elements by tea plants. Pak. Jour. Soil Sci., Vol. 6, No. 1.
  23. Islam A., S. A. Ahad and S. A. Malek. 1971. Effect of NPK on the availability and uptake of Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium by tea plant. Dhaka University Stud., Part-B, XIX:
  24. Islam A., K. Anam, and G. Mustafa. 1971. A study on the various factors that affected in the variation of pH in some representative soils of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Studies Part-B XIX:
  25. Islam A., K. Anam and A. Faruq. 1971. Distribution of free amino acids and sugars in tea soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Jour. Soil Sci.7(1):
  26. Islam A. and B. Ahmed. 1973. Distribution of inositol phosphates, phospholipids, and nucleic acids and mineralization of inositol phosphates in some Bangladesh soils. Jour. Soil Sci. 24(2): 193- 198.
  27. Ahmed B. and A. Islam. 1971. Organic phosphate contents of some representative soils of Bangladesh as measured by the three different methods. Bangladesh Jour. Soil Sci. VII(2): 1-12.
  28. Islam A. and M. W. Islam. 1973. Chemistry of submerged soil and growth and yield of rice. Part 1. Benefits from submergence. Plant and Soil 39 (3): 555-565.
  29. Islam A. and S. M. Ullah. 1973. Chemistry of submerged soil and growth and yield of rice. Part 2. Effect of additional application of fertilizers on soil at field capacity. Plant and Soil 39 (3): 567-579.
  30. Karim M., F. Ahmed, and A. Islam. 1973. A study of phosphate absorption by four Bangladesh soil. Geoderma 9: 221-227.
  31. Ahmed B. and A. Islam. 1974. A study of the comparison of three incubation methods of evaluating mineralization of organic phosphorus in soils. Plant and Soil 40: 457-459./////////////
  32. Islam A., M. Sultan Hussain and W. Islam, 1974. On the chemical properties of some deep-water rice soils of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Deep-Water Rice, 163-169.
  33. Ahmed B. and A. Islam. 1975. The use of sodium EDTA as an extractant for determining available phosphate in soil. Geoderma. 14: 261-265.
  34. Ahmed B. and Islam A., 1975. Extractable phosphate in relation to the forms of phosphate fractions in some humid tropical soils. Tropic. Agri. 52 (2): 113-118.
  35. Islam A., T. H. Khan, B. Ahmed and G. M. Panaullah.(    ) Phosphate and potassium status of some soils of Bangladesh Proceedings, Planning and Organization Meeting, Fertilizer I. N. P. U. T. S. Project, East West Centre, Hawaii. 146-157.
  36. Huq. S. M. I., A. Islam and M. H. Rashid. 1976. Native fixed ammonium in some Bangladesh soils. Bangladesh Jour. Agri. 1(1): 12-16.
  37. Huq S. M. I., A. Islam, S. F. Elahi and M. H. Rashid. 1976. Fixation of Potassium in some Bangladesh soils as affected by organic matter removal by 30% H2 O2 treatment. Dhaka University Stud. Part-B, XXIV (2): 123-125.
  38. Islam A. and R. Mandal. 1977. Amounts and mineralization of organic phosphorus compounds and derivatives in some surface soils of Bangladesh. Geoderma. 17: 57-64.
  39. Mandal R. and A. Islam. 1978. Distribution of hydrolysis products of inositol penta- and hexa phosphates in some humid tropical soils. Tropic. Agri. 55 (2): 153-156.
  40. Howlader A. S. and A. Islam. 1977. Migration of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from ammonium sulphate, superphosphate and muriate of potash in two soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Jour. Agri., 12(1): 175- 184.
  41. Islam A., K. Anam, S. M. Imamul Huq, A. Hossain and A. H. M. Ahmed. 1977. Cation activity ratios in equilibrium soil solution and uptake of K, Ca and Mg by lawn Grass. Jour. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 1(2): 121-131.
  42. Mandal R. and A. Islam, 1977. 1978. Mineralization of inositol penta- and hexaphosphates in some soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Jour. Biol. Sci. 6 & 7 (1): 37-42.
  43. Huq S. M. I., A. Islam and M. H. Rashid, 1978. Ammonium fixation in some Bangladesh soils. Bangladesh Jour. Agri. 3(2): 343-347.
  44. Ahmed B. and A. Islam, 1978. Occurrence of inositol hexaphosphate in some humid tropical soils. Tropic. Agri. 55(2): 140-152.
  45. Mandal R. and A. Islam. 1978. Vertical distribution of phosphate in some sub-humid tropical soils of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Stud., Part-B, XXVI (2): 39-51.
  46. Mandal R. and A. Islam, 1978. Mineralization of inositol penta and hexaphosphate in soil. Jour. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 2(2).
  47. Mandal R. and A. Islam. 1979. Occurrence of hydrolysis products of phospholipids in sub-humid tropical soils of Bangladesh. DU Stud., Part-B, XXVII (1): 39-46.
  48. Mandal R. and A. Islam. 1979. Inositol phosphate esters in some surface soils of Bangladesh. Geoderma. 22: 315- 321.
  49. Islam A., R. Mandal and K. T. Osman, 1979. Direct uptake of organic phosphate by rice and jute plants. Plant and Soil. 53: 49-54.
  50. Huq S. M. I., M. H. Rashid and A. Islam. 1979. Effect of acid leaching, liming and organic matter additions on potassium fixation in some Bangladesh soil. DU Stud. Part-B, XXVII (2): 205-210.
  51. Rashid M. H., S. M. I. Huq, A. Islam and W. Islam, 1973. Potassium fixation on some Bangladesh soil as affected by soil depth, particle size and nature of clay minerals. Bangladesh Jour. Soil Sci., 9: 25-29.
  52. Islam A. 1979. Determination of Soil nitrogen. Proc. of the Symp. on Nitrogen in Bangladesh, 75-79.
  53. Hoque S., A. Islam and T. H. Khan. 1979. Effect of different sources of organicmatter on the growth and yield of wheat. Part-I, direct effect. Bangladesh Jour. Soil Sci. 15: 192-206.
  54. Hoque S., A. Islam and T. H. Khan, 1979. Effect of different sources of organic matter on the growth and yield of rice. Part-II, residual effect. Bangladesh Jour. Soil Sci., 15: 225-236.
  55. Islam A., M. H. Rashid, Z. Ahmad and R. Mandal. 1980. Conversion of urea placed at different depth and its subsequent impact on growth and yield of rice. Indian Jour. Agri. Sci., 50(11): 829-832.
  56. Alam M. K. and A. Islam. 1980. The measurement and prediction of salt removal by flushing (diffusional) and leaching mechanisms from saline soil. Int. Symp. On Salt Affected Soils, Karnal, India. 284-290.
  57. Islam A., R. Mandal and K. T. Osman, 1980-1981. Distribution of organic phosphate compounds on some soil profiles of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Studies, Vol. 3, Part-A and B.
  58. Islam A., 1982. Organic Phosphorus compounds on some representative soils of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 12th Intl. Soil Science Congress, New Delhi.
  59. Islam A., 1982. Mineralization of organic phosphorus compounds on some surface soils of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 12th Intl. Soil Science Congress, New Delhi.
  60. Islam R., Islam A., S. Hoque and F. Ahmed. 1982. A suitable method for determining available sulphate in some soils of Bangladesh. DU Stud. XXX(2): 93-101.
  61. Howlader M. A. S., F. Ahmed, M. Karim and A. Islam. 1983. Studies on nitrogen efficiency improvement under flooded paddy condition: 1. Effect of different nitrogen sources on paddy under various methods and times of application. DU Stud., XXXI(1): 51- 59.
  62. Ahmed A., M. A. S. Howlader and A. Islam, 1983. Effect of Zinc and Copper on yield and composition of rice under flooded condition. DU Stud., XXXII(1).
  63. Rahman M., F. Ahmed and A. Islam. Mineral contents of some mango trees of Rajshahi and Dhaka. Bangla. Hort., 10(2): 35- 38.
  64. Molla M. A. Z., A. A. Chowdhury, A. Islam and S. Hoque. 1983. Occurrence of phosphate-dissolving microorganisms in the rhizosphere of ryegrass and wheat plants and in non-rhizosphere Soil. BD. Jour. Aca. of Sci., 7(1 & 2): 49-56.
  65. F. Ahmed, A. Islam and S. Hoque, 1983. Nutrient status of some rice soils. IRRN, 8, 25-26.
  66. Khondaker Z. H., T. H. Khan, S. Rahman and A. Islam. 1983. Effect of soil moisture stress on the availability and uptake of N, P and K by wheat plants and growth, yield and quality of wheat. Bangladesh Jour. Soil Sci., 19: 51-63.
  67. Khondaker Z. H., T. H. Khan, S. Rahman and A. Islam, 1983. Influence of soil moisture stress on the yield, grain quality availability and uptake of N, P and K by wheat. Intl. Jour. Trop. Agri., Vol. 1, No. 3.
  68. Molla M. A. Z., A. A. Chowdhury, A. Islam and S. Hoque. 1984. Microbial mineralization of organic phosphate in soil. Plant and Soil. 78: 393-399.
  69. Islam A., A. L. Molla and S. Hoque. 1984. Azolla and blue green Algae as alternative sources of nitrogen for rice and their mineralization in soils of Bangladesh. Indian Jour. of Agri. Sci., 1056-61.
  70. Howlader M. A. S., F. Ahmed, M. Karim and A. Islam. 1985. Studies on nitrogen efficiency improvement under flooded paddy condition. II. Effect of time and method of placement of urea on growth and yield. DU Stud., Part-B, XXXIII(1): 51- 59.
  71. Molla M. A. Z., A. A. Chowdhury, A. Islam and S. Hoque. 1985. Detection and composition of extracellular polysaccharide in bacteria. DU Stud., Part-B, XXXIII(1): 17- 21.
  72. Alam K., M. M. Chaowdhury, S. Hoque, M. S. A. Hossain and A. Islam. 1985. Effect of insecticides on the microbial flora of phyllosphere and rhizosphere of leguminous plants. DU Stud., Part B. 33(2): 305-308.
  73. Hossain M. S. A., A. Islam, T. H. Khan and S. Hoque. 1985. Group composition of humus in some forest and adjoining cultivated soils of Bangladesh. Intl. Jour. Tropic. Agri. India III (3): 180-186.
  74. Mandal R. and A. Islam, 1984 and 1985. Mineralization of Inositol phosphate, phospholipids and Grudeic acids under waterlogged condition. Jour. Nuc. Sci. Appl. 15 and 16: 86-98.
  75. Mandal R. and A. Islam, 1984 and 1985. Availability of soil organic phosphorus to crops. Jour. Nuc. Sci. Appl. 15 and 16: 81-86.
  76. Hossain M. S. A., T. H. Khan, S. Hoque and A. Islam. 1986. Effect of a single period of soil moisture stress at different stages of development on the growth, yield and chemical composition of rice. DU Stud., Part-E, 1(1): 1-6.
  77. Rahman M. M., A. A. Chowdhury and A. Islam. 1986. Microbial production of biogas from organic wastes. Jour. Fermentation Technology (Japan). 64(1): 45- 49.
  78. Ali A., M. A. Z. Molla, A. A. Chowdhury and A. Islam, 1986. Incidence of phosphate dissolving microorganisms in the non rhizosphere soils of rye grass and rice at different stages of plant growth. DU Stud., Part-B (1): 63-65.
  79. Ali A., M. A. Z. Molla, A. A. Chowdhury and A. Islam. 1986. Microbial solubilization of different insoluable phosphates. Jour. Bangladesh Acad. of Sci., 10(1): 45-50.
  80. Rahman M. M., M. D. Alam, S. Hoque and A. Islam. 1986. A study of the efficiency of digested slurry of organic wastes as manure on the growth of rice plant. DU Stud., Part-E, 1(2): 101-106.
  81. Ali A., M. A. Z. Molla, A. A. Chowdhury and A. Islam, 1987. Microbial transformation of nitrogen in soil. DU Stud., Part-E, 2(1): 27-32.
  82. Ali A., M. A. Z. Molla, A. Islam and S. Hoque. 1987. Effect of seed inoculation with phosphate dissolvers on plant growth and phosphate uptake by wheat seedlings. Jour. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 11(1): 129-132.
  83. Rahman T., R. Mandal, Anwar Hossain and A. Islam. 1988. Variation in distribution of pigment producing bacteria with soil characteristics. DU Stud., Part-E, 3(1): 23-27.
  84. Islam R., M. S. A. Hossain, A. S. Howlader, A. Islam, R. Mandal and S. M. Imamul Huq. 1987. Effect of sulphur on rice under flooded condition. Intl. Jour. Trop. Agri., 5(2): 93-101.
  85. Rashid M. H., A. Islam, I. U. Ahmed, M. S. Islam and R. Mandal, 1987. A study of slow release N-carries on rice. Jour. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 11(2): 215-226.
  86. Islam A., S. Hoque, R. Mandal and S. A. Chowdhury, 1988. Comparison of methods to evaluate K availability of rice soil. Srilanka Jour. Agri., 25(2): 67-78.
  87. Ahmed F. and A. Islam, 1988. Occurrence and distribution of zinc in soils. Zinc in Nutrition, 47-61.
  88. Ahmed F. and A. Islam and J. L. Karmaker, 1988. Physiological role of zinc in plant nutrition. Zinc in Nutrition, 146-172.
  89. Khan A. H., S. Begum, A. Islam and R. Mandal, 1988. The absorption of organic phosphate by rice plant from culture solution. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 12(20): 121-127.
  90. Khan A. H., A. Islam, S. Begum and S. M. Imamul Huq. 1988. Micorrhizal status of some Bangladesh soils and the effect of indigenous VA-Micorrhizal fungi on the growth of rice plants. Bangladesh Jour. Bot., 17(1): 49-56.
  91. Khan A. H., A. Islam, S. Begum and S. M. I. Huq. 1988. Effect of indigenous VA-Mycorrhizal fungi on nodulation, growth and nutrition of lentil (Lens culinaris L.) and Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.). Jour. Plant Physiol., 133: 84-88.
  92. Rahman S. M. and A. Islam, 1986. Influence of different level of irrigation and depth of cultivation on yield and nutrient (NPK) uptake by wheat. Ann. Agri. Res., 7(1): 158-168.
  93. Rahman S. M. and A. Islam, 1989. Effects of tillage depths on infiltration characteristics of two Bangladesh soils having ploughpans. Soil Tillage Res. 13: 407-412.
  94. Rahman S. M. and A. Islam. 1989. Water transmission properties of two Bangladesh soils as affected by tillage depths. I. Soil water storage. Ann. Agri. Res., 10(1): 67-72.
  95. Khan A. H., S. Begum, A. Islam, S. M. I. Huq, T. H. Khan and R. Mandal, 1989.
  96. Rahman S. M. and A. Islam. 1989. Water transmission properties of two Bangladesh Soils. II. Soil Water flux and hydraulic conductivity. Ann. Agri. Res., 10(3): 307-312.
  97. Hossain A. K. M. A., S. Hoque, R. Mandal, T. H. Khan, A. S. Howlader and A. Islam, 1989. A study of availability of soil nitrogen by various extracting agents. Bangladesh Jour. Sci. Res., 7(1): 51-60.
  98. T. H. Khan, G. M. Panaullah, A. Islam and S. A. Ahad. 1989. Fixation of added potassium in some soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Jour. Sci. Res., 7(2): 127-138.
  99. Ahmed Sultana, D. L. Deb, A. Islam and Z. Ahmad, 1990. Distribution of different forms of zinc in some soils of Bangladehs. Bangladesh Jour. Sci. Res., 8(2): 125-132.
  100. Ali A., M. Z. Molla, S. I. Khan and A. Islam, 1990. Availability of phosphorus as influenced by soil microorganisms. Jour. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 14(1): 115-125.
  101. Ahmed Sultana, A. Islam and Z. Ahmed. 1991. Zinc – Copper interaction in crop nutrition: I. Effect of Zinc and Copper application on their uptake and yield of rice. Thai. Jour. Agri. Res. Sci., 24(1): 67-76.
  102. Ahmed Sultana, A. Islam and Z. Ahmed. Zinc – Copper interaction in crop nutrition: II. Effect of Zinc and Copper on their uptake and yield of mustard. Thai. Jour. Agri. Res. Sci., 24(2): 113-120.
  103. Rahman S. M. and A. Islam. 1991. Yield and water relations of wheat as influenced by irrigation and depth of tillage. Irrigation Science, 12(2): 67-71.
  104.  Hoque S., T. H. Khan and A. Islam. 1991. Carbon Composition of humus in some agricultural soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Jour. Sci. Res., 9(2): 189-195.
  105. Ahmed Sultana, D. L. Deb, A. Islam and S. M. Rahman. 1991. Studies on the uptake of applied Zinc and its distribution among different chemical pools using Zinc – 65. Jour. Nucl. Agri. Biol., 20(2): 94-101.
  106. Haque M. Q., M. I Ali., A. Islam and S. Hoque. 1991. Determination of critical level of soil K for wetland rice. Bangladesh Jour. of crop Sci., 2(1): 93-100.
  107. Rahman S., A. Islam and M. S. Hussain. 1991. Clay mineralogical composition of some acid sulphate soils from Cox’s Bazar district in Bangladesh. Jour. BD Acad. Sci., 15(2): 115- 122.
  108. Chowdhury S., A. Islam, R. Mandal, S. Hoque and S. Rahman, 1992. Forms of potassium in some soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Jour. Sci. Res. 10(1): 1-8.
  109. Haque M. Q., M. I. Ali, A. Islam and S. Haque, 1992. Potassium status and release behavior of five selected soil series of Bangladesh. Proc. Int. Cong. Conf. Commission IV. Int. Soil Sci. Soc., December 1-3, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  110. Imamul Huq S. M., D. Hassan and A. Islam. 1995. Critical level of potassium of some representative Bangladesh soils as determined by using two different models. 1995. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 4(1): 43- 50.
  111. Haque M. Q., M. I. Ali, A. Islam and S. Hoque. 1995. Potassium releasing power of some benchmark soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Jour. Nuclear Agri., 11: 9-17.
  112. Hassan M. M., S. Hoque and A. Islam. 1996. Nutrients dynamics in submerged soils, I. Chemical and electrochemical changes. Jour. BD Acad. Sci., 22(2): 219-227.
  113. Hassan M. M., A. Islam and S. Hoque. 1996. Nutrient dynamics in submerged soils. II. Growth and yield of rice. Jour. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 22(2): 229-236.
  114. Khan M. S., T. H. Khan, A. Islam, S. Hoque and M. S. Islam, 1998. Effect of alternate tillage practices on soil structure under rice-wheat cropping sequence. The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research 16 (2): 209-219
  115. Khan M. S., T. H. Khan, S. Hoque, A. Islam and A. K. M. S. Haque. 1999. Effect of alternate tillage practices on soil moisture retention and temperature characteristics of soil under rice-wheat cropping sequence. Bangladesh Journal of Science & Technology 1(1): 83-96
  116. Haque M. Q., M. I. Ali, S. Hoque and A. Islam. 1999. Potassium fixation by some benchmark soils of Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences 23(2): 141- 147.
  117. Khan M. S., T. H. Khan, S. Hoque, A. Islam and W. Sultana. 2000. Influence of alternate tillage on soil bulk density and soil strength. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 38 (2): 143-154.
  118. Palash M. A. H., A. Islam, S. Hoque, A. H. Khan and S. A. Hossain. 2000. Behavior of soil Mn, Cu and B under submerged condition. Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science 26: 133-136.
  119. Md. Golam Kibria, Aminul Islam, Sirajul Hoque and Khan Towhid Osman. 2000. Effect of pesticides on the nutrient concentrations in leaf, straw and grain of maize (Zea mays). The Chittagong University Journal of Science 24 (2): 63-68.
  120. Md. Golam Kibria, Aminul Islam, Sirajul Hoque and Khan Towhid Osman. 2000. Effects of pesticides  on  the  nutritient concentrations  of wheat (Triticum  aestivum).  The Chittagong University Journal of Science, 24 (2): 55-61.
  121. Palash M. A. H., A. Islam, S. Hoque, A. H. Khan and S. A. Hossain. 2001. Iron and zinc dynamics in submerged soils. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Science 10 (1): 113-116.
  122. Khan M. S., T. H. Khan, A. Islam, S. Hoque and A. K. M. S. Hoque. 2001. Effect of alternate tillage practices on soil physical properties in rice-wheat cropping sequence. Bangladesh Journal of Science and Technology. (Accepted).
  123. Kibria M. G., A. Islam, S. Hoque and M. N. Islam. 2001. Effects of dimecron, heptachlor and sevin on the growth of wheat and maize. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science 27(2): 231-238.
  124. Md. Nurul Islam, Sirajul Hoque and Aminul Islam. 2003. Sulphur and Zinc interactions in wheat,   rice and mungbean. The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences 12(2): 139-146.
  125. Islam M. N., S. Hoque and A. Islam. 2001-2003. Interaction of iron and zinc in wheat, rice and mungbean. Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science, 27-29 (1&2): 23-30
  126. Islam M. N., S. Hoque and A. Islam. 2004. Phosphorus and iron interaction in relation to nutrient concentrations in plants and yields of wheat, rice and mungbean. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology 5 (1&2): 56-61.
  127. Islam M. N., S. Hoque and A. Islam. 2005. Interactive effects of Phosphorus and Zinc in wheat, rice and mungbean. Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science. 53 (2): 221-227
  128. Islam M. N., S. Hoque and A. Islam. 2006. Effect of P x S interaction on nutrient concentrations and yields of wheat, rice and mungbean. Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science. 54(1): 86-91.
  129. Hossain A T M Emdad and A. Islam, 2011. Soil Health Degradation under Different Land Use Systems and its Management in Selected Hilly Areas of Bangadesh. Journal Soil Biol. Ecol. 31 (1&2): 224-235.