Daffodil International University (DIU) has been emphasizing on Start-Up programs which is a global buzz as of now. In consideration of this fact, DIU is consistently organizing Start-Up markets for starters to ensure that no sound ideas are being ignored and provide them a platform focused to flourish & promote their Start-Ups emphasizing on E-Commerce, Introduce them to the market for experience and funding the start-up if they are qualified enough
Mr. Chandan Haider
Asst. Administrative officer
Cell: +8801847334762 (EXT-352)
Email: chandan.a@daffodilvarsity.edu.bd
Office of the Director of Students’ Affairs
Daffodil International University
Responsible officials collects a report from the startups every week and send to Bangladesh Venture Capital Ltd (BVCL). They analyze the report and provide investment to the promising startups. For example, Bachelor got funds from BVCL through startup market.