General Educational Development

Departmental FAQ

General Educational Development (GED) is an multidisciplinary department with a number of science, arts and ethics subjects.

The Department of General Educational Development (GED) offers Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Bangla and History of Bangladesh, Bangla Language, and Art of Living according to the requirement. In addition, this department offers short courses to enhance skills of the students.

At this moment the Department of General Educational Development (GED) is not offering any degrees from the department, however it is providing the basic knowledge of basic sciences, arts, and ethics to the students in various departments who enrolled in DIU.

1. Computer Literacy

2. Data Analysis

A number of sincere, self-motivated, energetic, and good academicians are enrolled in this department from various disciplines. All the academicians are also engaged in research work, so self or joint research is taking place from this department.

To educate and empower graduates through developing critical thinking, adaptation to technology, competency in communicating as global citizens, ethics, and leading to responsible participation in the community in the 21st century.

The Department of General Educational Development (GED) has Physics and chemistry labs with all kinds of lab support.