• slot 2025
  • Daffodil International University | DIU

    Fund Management

    The primary function of the University is to impart quality education through promotion of academic, research, support services and collaboration networking with international organizations. It also aspires to contribute knowledge to national and international developments. All these will need finance which will be obtained internally from tuition fees from students and externally as assistance from outside organizations. This will involve submission of proposals to organizations which have a good international track in education, development research and ICT innovation, health support and poverty alleviation. SPIDER, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, IDRC, COL, CIDA, SIDA, Elsevier, INASP, Erasmus, International Science Program (ISP), LEADHER etc. are notable organizations which support good academic and research programs. Funds, when available, may be spent on: the development of teaching and learning, research work, collaboration between DIU and foreign universities, attending conferences/workshops/seminars; as well as conducting training/workshops/seminars; development and use of ICT systems/ICT infrastructure, ICT for development and projects on poverty alleviation.

    Proposals for grants and assistance will be prepared by an individual or group according to the requirements of the organization. The project generally will include the title, objective, methods of study, budget and outcome. There will be one principal investigator, who will be responsible for execution of the project and fund management received from the external organization. As the project will involve use of University infrastructure and other facilities, the University will charge 10-20% of the fund as overhead expenses. The Principal Investigator will get honoraria stated in the proposal. She/he will have the option to recruit additional staff needed for the smooth running of the project.

    Funds received will be deposited in a bank in consultation with the Finance and Accounts division of Daffodil International University. University employees must submit proposals through the Registrar of the University and also send all correspondence to the organization through the Registrar DIU. Finally a report of the study will be prepared by the Principal Investigator along with all expenses and original vouchers supporting the expenditure. Personnel involved in the project will be chosen by the Principal Investigator as per requirement of the project. The Principal Investigator and the people involved in the project will discharge the duties without interference with duties already assigned by the University in line with the terms and conditions of his primary appointment in the University. The University authority, however, may deploy both academic as well as administrative personnel to monitor the project if the authority considers it necessary. In that case, the personnel may enjoy an honorarium out of the proposed budget.